
Time is ticking...

Hi everyone,

The past year real life has taken most of my attention away from making miniatures so hence my absence... One of the things was a possible move and with that would come the necessity of picking up my workshop. Aaah! Something I don't even wish my worst enemy! Imagine dismantling the organized chaos of an overflowing workshop full with boxes and cabinets stuffed with materials crammed with tools. You probably recognize it. A place, so full, yet where you can find anything blindfolded. So late summer I made a reluctant start to sort & pack...

A few weeks later...  the need to move was lifted. Hurray! I decided to make the most of the situation and redo the whole shop as the ever-growing bits, bobs and tools made me run into storage issues and irritations. Amongst was a more sufficient and permanent power tool set up too!

But first sorting out the paper archive;

Build a more efficient wood storage;

Repaint all the work surfaces;

 Scrape (40 years of dirt from) the floor. 

And while at that I'd found the front leg that disappeared while building the regency library chair :D

I'd relayed a bit of electric to feed the power tool area too and then it was on to build a few cabinets i'd managed to get my hands on;

A small one on the back wall;

A bigger one on the right, and most of the power tools with dust extraction in between;

And here's is the main work area reinstated;

I was at it for quite a while but very contend with how it turned out. By that time Christmas had come which is peek season at work so it wasn't till mid Januari that time was favorable to start thinking of building again... So apology for neglecting this blog, but as you can see it was for a good cause :)


  1. WOW! I can only imagine how much time and work went into your shop renovation. It looks fantastic now. I am sure it feels so good to work in there with everything all clean and neat.

    I have really missed your posts. I hope the next one will be soon.

    1. Hi Catherine,
      my energy levels were so low past six months but not with regards to this. I amazed myself too with how much I did & could do. Guess desire fuels dedication? :)))

  2. What a Great Post! It is so good to see you are still making the minis... and with a fantastic new (old) space! It is so worthwhile to do a complete re-organizing from time to time! You inspire me to the Spring cleaning I need to do! I look forward to seeing what you are making in your clean workshop!

    1. Hi Betsy :) Ooh! Spring cleaning?! Whether it's your house or work space; good luck & all the best. You'll be so happy once it's done!

  3. Welcome back Debora I've really missed you! Your shop looks great :)

    1. Thanks Linda! So glad to be back (at it) too!

  4. I've missed your posts and hoped that you were doing okay. The workshop looks fabulously organised. How long will that last once you start making again ha-ha =0P

    1. Hi Pepper, thank you for caring. But life's a b*ch sometimes :) And cleaning out proved therapeutic whahaa! So it worked both ways :)

      And yes, it's a mess again all over hihi

  5. Okay, what a transformation. When most people tidy up their work spaces they don't scrap the floors. Amazing how much can build up over the years. Your hard work shows, it looks fantastic. I hope you enjoy all of your efforts by having a brand new space to get creative in. Kudos!

    1. Thank you Megan! It wasn't really my choice. Like I said, don't wish moving a workshop to any one. But once I started there was no return :D and I'm enjoying the result every day I enter now :)

  6. I think that you time was Very Well Spent Debora, and you probably feel much Lighter mentally, now that you have cleared out and re- organized your workspace. Well Done!


  7. On travaille tellement mieux dans un endroit bien rangé et dans lequel on se sent bien!
    Bonne continuation...

  8. Hello Debora,
    I'm sorry you had to go through all that, but your workshop must be such a pleasure to work in now. Welcome back!
    Big hug,

  9. Glad you're back!!
    And your workshop looks very well organised, great job!

  10. Ha quedado muy ordenado y acogedor.

  11. Wow that is an amazing workspace! Love the cupboards. So beautifully organised. I'll be revisiting this post when I get round to setting up a proper workshop!

  12. Hey, you resurfaced! Good to see you back. The workshop looks great, your hard work was worth it. Now get to work! ;-)

  13. Thank you! For all your lovely compliments, and being welcomed back :) Past year has not been the best of times so it feels really nice, thanks! Now that I'm back I've had a short glimpse left and right and it's obvious I missed out on só many great projects you've all been working on! I really need some serious catching up to do!!!

    And I'll get back to work ma'am ;-) First up, some traveling boxes :)

  14. Have been thinking of you often, great that you're back and have been spared a moving! The workspace looks gorg, respect for the amount of work you've had on it, you did a great job. Hope you'll have such a lot of pleasure from it!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. hoi Debora, is alles alweer op de rails? en ben je nog aan het miniaturen?
    hoop dat alles goed gaat met je!

  17. hoi Debora, is alles alweer op de rails? en ben je nog aan het miniaturen?
    hoop dat alles goed gaat met je!
