
From hibernating to napping

After waking up from miniature hibernation and with most of the workshop up and running again, the first thing I did was to get back to the four poster beds. A project that had been on the back burner for far too long!

Imagine! It was over a year ago I'd made a start on carving the centre decorations... but fortunately fresh wood chips were scenting the new shop again.
I also had to find a way to make them portable, so just like the real thing I designed miniature hardware, or bed hooks, to be able to dismantle them. I carved the recess that would take the hardware áfter staining the pear wood or else the end grain would darken up too much. 

While a bed was taking shape I simultaneously worked on a matras. Not a fan of needle and thread this job was quite a challenge for me. Cos my sewing machine couldn't perform to the standard I was looking for, all the stitching needed to be done by hand :/

With tiny stitches I added piping round the edge...

... and padding when the matras was closed. The pillows were filled with bird sand. It's such a fine type of sand that it requires minute & tight stitching, but when that's in place anything stuffed with it will 'sit' like the real thing cause of its weight. One could opt to glue the seams for this particular use, to avoid the wee sand grains from falling out. But that can cause stiffness where it's to be avoided most of all. Again, anything to make it 'sit' and 'fall' naturally.  

And there you have it; a comfy and cosy crash pad. Anyone care for a little nap?


  1. Awesome! Especially this first carving! I wish I could do it too!

  2. Welcome back to the world of miniatures, you have been sorely missed! Yes, I think I can do with a nap, your mattress looks so comfy, looking forward to seeing the beds completed.

  3. Are the connectors for the bed frame made of brass? They look extremely well made. I use chinchilla sand for stuffing cushions - very fine and you're right, it lets the cushions sit realistically. The matress looks super comfy Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz =0P

    1. Hi Pepper! Of course! chinchilla sand, I've never thought about that but those little creatures take sand baths too :) Does that have a fragrance as well? Because the bird sand seems to have anise in it... it smells delicious (at least, that's what I think :)

    2. ps, the hardware is made of plain sheets of iron. Brass was my first option too, but what I'd at hand was either too thin or too thick.

    3. I'll have to try the bird sand. I like the idea of it having a fragrance. Thanks for the tip =0)

  4. What a Beautiful job you have made of the mattress and the pillows Debora! I use bird gravel for pillows and cushions too and it works a treat! I am Blown Away by the metal hooks that you have made for your bed! A mini Masterpiece! WOW!!!!


  5. Hello Debora,
    Your work is always amazing! I love the bed and the way it goes together! The mattress is beautifully done and I think it is the most realistic mattress I have come across.
    Big hug,

  6. Je suis très heureuse de pouvoir lire vos nouveaux messages . Je m'étais inquiétée de votre absence et de votre silence mais je n'avais pas osé demander de vos nouvelles . J'avais peur que que quelque chose de difficile soit arrivé dans votre vie .
    Je suis soulagée de voir que c'est un immense nettoyage qui vous a occupé . Votre atelier est parfait pour accueillir vos nouveaux projets . Cela nous manquait de voir la perfection de votre travail .
    Je suis toujours impressionnée par votre travail de sculpture .
    J'ai hâte de voir la suite de votre travail . Vos lits sont magnifiques et c'est un vrai plaisir de pouvoir vous suivre à nouveau .
    J'espère que vous aller garder précieusement la petite jambe en bois que vous avez retrouvée ,

  7. Amazing detail!! I love the hardware especially. :D

  8. I love the fact that the bed goes together just like a real one. The hardware is amazing!!! You may not like working with a needle and thread but you sure do beautiful work with it. I love the mattress.

  9. Thank you all, you're all so kind. Best thing, it's great to see more people know about the 'sand filing'. I'm in love with how well it works; a real treat!

  10. Un trabajo estupendo. Me encanta el colchón.

  11. I'm happy to see that you're back, working on miniatures, after the big cleaning. I love to see all your perfect pieces.

  12. Where to begin---the mattress is just perfect! And the hardware for the bed is amazing. So glad you are back to blogging and miniatures. I've missed you :)

  13. that ornament on the first pic... so small and yet fully decorated.... amazing!
    Also the way the bed can be put together now, the way it should be. So typically you...:) the perfectionist.
    Gorgeous. I really missed your posts.

  14. Thank you Gee, Linda, Dominique, Isabel and every one else above. Only now that I'm starting to catch up on what you all have been up to, is clear again what's so enjoyable about miniatures. There're so much talented and kind miniature folk around and it's so obvious each and every one just loves what they do!

    It's a joy to be back, read all your posts (when time permits...) and be inspired by you all.
    Cos as much as you might have missed me, I've missed all you lot too!
