

Here's a little writing desk I made some time ago. I wanted to do something with fingerjoints and what better way then to make a decorative chest or box. It is 15 x 21 x 27 mm. If measured in inches its ± 19/32 x 27/32 x 1 4/16.

filled with parfumed pink paper to write a loveletter to my husband

this is at the halfway stage


  1. This desk looks fantastic!Do you make hinges yourself? What kind of wood do you use?

  2. Es una verdadera preciosidad.

  3. @ Victoria,
    Thankyou for the compliment. Yes, the hinge is homemade. Quite an undertaking and very delicate work. During the making of it I felt great respect for all miniaturists who make all their own fixtures and fittings!
    For instance; when you klick on the last image with the hinge you can see what a boggy mess the solder has left behind. I used the smallest amount of solder I could (tiny fleakes), but still I had to file a lot back. The wood of the box is mahogany.

    @ Virginia,
    Muchas gracias, pequeño pero lindo/hermoso!

  4. Thank you Debby, sure it is very delicate work, I definitely want to try make hinges myself some time. Your work is a great inspiration for me.

  5. Just wonderful and stunning! It is a great work.

  6. Amazing!!! A very beautiful piece of art!

  7. Fantastic writing desk. I love it lots!
    Nikki x

  8. You are incapable of making anything I don't like :). Fab work, Debby. And this is a really good suggestion.

  9. Thank you all, for your nice comments. I wanted to show you this chest because its rather special to me. On the outside it's a bit plane, but within is this letter. Although just a rough draft it expresses deepbased feelings for my husband. I love 'm!

  10. Fantastic work, I hardly could believe it when I read how tiny it was! And the letter to your husband is such a lovely touch!
