
precious find

Last weekend was predicted to be one of last summerweekends of the year, so we decided to do some work in the garden. As I was digging away between some plants I wanted to shift from the front- to the backgarden, I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was blue and shimmering... Something metal maybe? The weirdest things pop up in the frontgarden, left by the wind or passers-by so I wasn't realy surprised. But waste and rubbish don't do it for me, green stuff is wat we want. So I bended over to pick it up to dispose of it.

Stunned and lost for words I stopped. This is wat I found:

Eurasian Jay feather

Shimmering and blue, indeed, but not at all metal. It was a lovely tiny feather which once belonged to an Eurasian Jay. They are quite shy, but they leave evidence of their presence all over our garden. Beechnuts, acorns and chesnuts sproute every spring in hudge numbers throughout our garden. But we don't mind, as long as the shed some feathers now and then...


  1. Beautiful feather. We dont have such pretty birds here but my friend sends me quite a mix and they are so nice i dare not use them for my minis.
    Nikki xxx

  2. Es preciosa, esta pluma,! Que suerte. Felicidades

  3. How fantastic to find such a lovely feather in your garden! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Nikki, how come that you don't have pretty birds around you in England (east sussex was it?) Watching Bill Oddy (or was it Billy Oddie? haha) programs on the BBC i see stunning nature... The little one on my indexfinger is probably from an ordinary sparrow. You do have sparrows don't you!? Otherwise I'll sent you some as well!

  5. Pubdoll, weird color this feather. Indeed fantastic to find , a gift from nature

  6. Hi again. Oh there are beautiful birds here but just not around me. I would need to go out of town to find them. The road i live on is too busy back and front and i think all aniamls run for their lives. Plus around my house we have no trees and no safe place for them to nest and rest.
    We do have some beautiful doves though living nearby and they live in a tree called a love tree which is ideal for two birds in love. Luckily the tree is safely tucked away in an old mans garden and he watches over them.
    Nikki xxx

  7. Jaybirds are very common in the Eifel area where I am living. Especially during winter time (with enough snow) these birds look fabulous.
