
a quilt for the Wooden house

Last winter (when it was cold and dark) I made a quilt voor Nolda. The masterbedroom at her house is north-faceing and therefore always a bit chilly. A quilt would make it more comfortable.

As blue is her favorite color I bought some old shirts at our local charityshop. Old shirts are perfect for making minatures as they often come with small designs and are made out of thin cotton. The same applies for ties. I always rumble in the box with ties, looking for some nice silk ones. If you undo the stitching and wash them well, you can use the silk for cussions etc. it's amazing what you can find, but enough of my collecting mania...haha

I tore the shirts up and figured out a design with blocks of 10x10 mm (25/64 inch). As I was ironing the seams row by row I could feel the fabric stiffening up. I had to find a way to solve that , otherwise it wouldn't drape naturally. I figured that the leaded rope that I tore out of some old net-curtains would do the job and I have sown that in all around the sides. The weight of the lead pulls the sides down but you can still pick it up and do something else with it. That's the advantage of lead instead of glue or modeling with wire.

It's 36·C up here today, so you can imagine that the quilt is now stored away.


  1. Bellissimo. I definitely must have a try. I always buy shirt fabric as well. it's easier to find in many colours and designs and it's definitely softer and thinner than normal cotton. But i had never thought of ties; it's a great idea.Have a nice day

  2. Debby, the quilt is wonderful. I also use a lot of old shirts and ties. Sometimes I find thin leather gloves and woman's silk shirts also. I love your idea of weighting the edges of the quilt! It looks so nice in the room that I would probably try to sleep under it year round!

  3. Your quilt is beatiful! It would be perfect in my little beach house bedroom! I'll be looking for blue and white men's shirts now! Love all of the little patches! Gorgeous!

  4. Я всегда удивлялась тому запасу терпения, которым обладают те люди, что делают такие изумительные вещи! У Вас изумительно- познавательный блог!

  5. I love your beautiful quilt!! I shall have to give this a try.


  6. Ik denk dat dit toch wel'de mooiste is die in het mini is gemaakt...heb bewondering voor je perfectie!!! Heb het ook al eens geprobeerd maar ik kwam niet verder dan een wandeling naar de prullenbak,haha...maar ik geef niet op,ga het toch nog maar eens proberen?


  7. this is beautiful, i adore patchwork! my grandmother was always making patchwork thingsx

  8. Just fantastic quilt, I love it!
    I just found your blog and think its very nice!


  9. Oh, how pretty! Makes one almost wish it could be winter year round! Well done!


  10. Sabiha, The idea behind the pph-kladblog quilt is maybe even more beuatyfull! Using fabric from everybody gives it just that bit of extra. A shame that I didn't particepated then. you threw yours in the bin!? You didn't!! Give it another go, please?
    Casey; gloves and skirts too! Good idea ;-)
    Rosanna; Graci!
    Sans, thank you
    Kathi, looking forward to that, it would look great there.
    Niknik, cyrillic script is hard to read but thanks.
    Linda, check out She has a great workshop/tutorial/explenation on quilts. Yes do give it a try! its fun.
    Ruthi, do you have some done by here? As a family heire? Sometimes old needlework can be like a timemachine, especially if its made by relatives. Touching what they have touched. tiny treasures you lucky...
    Lena, welkom! and thank you.
    MiniMadWomen, thanks.
