

Monday is always a bit slow with mail, but if it comes... I was realy surprised because I had't expected this. Saskia, a closeby dollshouse lover and friend remembered that I was still on the lookout for a small embroiderysiccor in the shape of a storke to accompany my spannish rolepillow. When she bumbed into one she thought of me, and I find that so attentive and considarate. She took the effort to make a whole sewingbox around this lovely gift, so its almost a shame to take it out and use it. Just to show that its right scale a small pic. Thanks Saskia for this lovely surprise!


  1. It's lovely! and I love the Larsson card as well. So good for a miniaturist and home lover.

  2. Both the stork scissors and sewing box are beautiful!

    This is unrelated to minis, but what species of plant is that in the second photo? I just love the leaves!

  3. Rosanna, indeed, a lovely sweet card. His subjects are always delicatly depicted set in an era unfortunately long gone
    Mary, the plant is called Senecio Rowleyanus, also known as pea plant :-)

  4. Hi,
    This is the firts time that I visit your blog and I have to say that is wonderful!!
    This is the first time that I could see a Spanish Rollepillow in miniature. It make me remind my grandmother who knows how to create beautiful bobbin laces with it. I tried some times lo learnt but it was so difficult!!!
    You have done a beautiful work!
    Mini Hugs from Barcelona (Spain)


  5. Muchas felicidades por este blog lleno de bonitos trabajos tan reales!!
    Un saludo.
