
IGMA Artisan Membership

AAAH! I don't know where to begin!

I'm delighted (that's and understatement!) about the fan-tas-tic news I received this morning; I've been awarded IGMA Artisan Membership! Oh wow! The pleasure! Yah!!! And so proud of myself too I didn't fail my first attempt but received this recognition straight away instead!

Long story short; late summer 2013 i realized that if I wanted to apply for Artisan member, this was the time to do it. Juggling family life & a job, I knew how little time I was left with. Still I set myself the goal to finish a total of 5 pieces before the year was over.  That would leave me ample time to cope with unforeseen setbacks, the necessary paperwork and posting it across the ocean.

Building was challenging. It was tedious too. And boy oh boy, was it frustrating at times! But… I loved every minute of it; it was all fun! I also made them their own bespoke traveling boxes, all matching in style. Seeing them grouped together was such a delightful sight; very rewarding and it brought a real sense of accomplishment.

All I needed to do now was to put together the required documentation. I decided upon a photo album to let the many pictures i'd made during the build speak for them selves.

I think the first page sums it all up;

Come springtime I'd send everything off in a ridiculously sturdy box, to protect it from what could happen during transit.  I can't say I've ever been more happy to see pieces go!!!  And with this last hurdle taken, all I was left with was to sit and wait… Argh! Exciting! Until this morning when i heard about the decision the selection committee had made. I've been granted Artisan Membership!

I can't begin to describe how much this recognition means to me. Most importantly I would like to thank each and everyone who've helped me personally but the list is so long, I'm scared I'll forget to mention some of you. Let me just say I cannot thank those enough who supported me with their encouragement and knowledge along this journey of growth and development. And those who've shown and kept faith in me, especially when my self criticism was bashing my confidence. You all know who you are!

Thank you all ever so much! I couldn't have done this without you. I love you lot, you are all true friends!

Proud new IGMA Artisan Member :)


  1. Très sincères félicitations! Bel hommage à votre MERVEILLEUX travail!

  2. Hello Debora,
    Congratulations! I am very happy for you. Your work is some of the best out there and I am thrilled they recognized your immense talent. Now let the celebration begin.
    Big hug,

  3. Van harte gefeliciteerd Debora! Een welverdiende erkenning voor je prachtige en unieke werk! Geniet ervan.

  4. First off, congrats again!!!

    You send in the five pieces I suspected you would :-) And I was very sure you would get it, even if you doubted and I know I am going to feel the same as you when my turn comes, reading your introduction page just about sums up how I feel about my own work.

    Was going to ask you how you submitted all your info...guess I don't have to now, that is a very good idea, hope you don't mind if I steal that one.

    Well done, my friend, I am so proud of you!!!

  5. Congratulations Debora! I am not surprised that you made it! Your work is exquisite and varied and unfailingly fascinating! That you also try to make it perfect is what makes it obvious that you are an Artisan of Miniatures! Congratulations again! It is well deserved!

  6. Van harte gefeliciteerd, wat een geweldig nieuws en zo verdiend!

  7. Once again CONGRATS! Have they sent and opinion about your works too?

  8. Félicitations! Cet honneur est plus que mérité. J'espère que cela va permettre à plein de miniaturiste de découvrir vos magnifiques réalisation! Bravo!

  9. Большому художнику- большое уважение! Поздравляю! Ваши миниатюры гениальны!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Debora, Congratulation with being awarded IGMA Artisan Membership.
    Hug AM

  12. Congratulations. It is a well deserved accolade spare.
    Hard-earned and well-crafted work.
    Now it remains to enjoy and keep creating.

  13. Congratulations Debora!!!!!!!! You deserve it and more. The pieces you sent are beautiful. I remember the posts you made while you were working on them. I am thrilled to bits for you. :-))

  14. Congratulations!! I've been following your blog for a while now and I can't wait for each new post. I love your finished pieces and I bet that they are even more glorious in person. I also like the fact that you show us work in progress so we're able to see how each piece comes to life. I wish you all the best and hope to see many more wonderful minis here on your blog.

  15. BRAVO , c'est totalement mérité .Tes meubles sont de pures oeuvres d'art.

  16. Hi Debora,
    Congratulations on your IGMA Artisan status!! Truly deserved, you make wonderfull miniatures.

  17. Congratulations a fantastic reward for all your hard work and well deserved xxx

  18. Congratulations! And well deserved it definitely is! All of your furniture is truly worthy of being classed as master pieces, actually, so is your blog!

  19. That's amazing and well earnt! Congratulations!

  20. Wat een fantastisch nieuws Debora...gefeliciteerd. Het verbaast me niets want je maakt prachtige miniaturen.

    Groetjes Xandra

  21. Debora, big congratulations, well done. At last, 'official' recognition of a true artist - which we all knew you were anyway.
    All the best

  22. Congratulations Debora, and well deserved, now you have official recognition of your fantastic skill and talent!

  23. It was a fabulous submission, and a pleasure to see.
    Pat Richards

  24. Why am I not surprised??? HAHAHA You are SO the best :) So very deserved---

  25. Thank you all! Thank you, my dear friends out there!
    And thank you Pat, for telling me that. I'm so glad you enjoyed them! I hope faith will give me enough time in the future to build many more to come.

  26. and share those adventures here on blogger

  27. Chris M. (aka Meezer Mama)Thu May 08, 12:34:00 AM MDT

    Congratulations! I was privileged to see your Savonarola chair when you showed it in Castine last summer, and it is exquisite. You are so deserving of this recognition.

    In what specialty did they award you Artisan Status?

  28. Muchísimas felicidades!!! Es un gran reconocimiento a tu fantástico trabajo,un logro muy merecido!!!!

  29. Huge congratulations Debora. Well deserved recognition for your outstanding work. Bravo! =0)

  30. Wat een geweldig nieuws Debora, van harte gefeliciteerd! En zó verdiend, want jouw meesterwerkjes zijn een genot om naar te kijken!

  31. Congratulations, Debora! With your high level of skill, I am surprised you weren't already an IGMA artisan. Those submission pieces are beautiful.

  32. CONGRATULATIONS, Debora!!!
    I am so thrilled for you, and very honoured to have your mini tusk trophy that I won those years ago. A real treasure!
    It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

  33. Congratulations!!!!! I wonder how you could ever doubt.

  34. Complimenti Debora. Te lo meriti tutto questo titolo. D'ora in poi saranno maggiormente beati coloro che potranno ( o già lo fanno) godere della tua arte.

    Congratulations Deborah. You deserve this title. From now on will be more blessed are those who will (or already do) enjoy your art.

  35. Congratulations! But it is not surprising, considering your talent.

  36. Hoi Debora,
    Sorry voor mijn late reaktie, ben een weekje weggeweest.
    Van harte geleficiteerd, het lidmaatschap is absoluut verdiend en terecht en je zo gegund!
    Geniet van deze persoonlijke triomf!!

  37. Again, a big thank you to all who responded and congratulated me. It makes me happy I can share my joy with you this way. If i could I'd grab any of you and do a little dance together. Because your posts here have been, and are, a big inspiration to me, as I try to be to you all. Sharing how I build my stuff and, in return, what inspires me to make it.
    Thank you!

  38. I'm so happy for you. this is great news. is the recognition of your work. this is so deserved. congratulations. I hope this will motivate you even more to explore and embark on new challenges. Have you already an idea of ​​your new creation? as always thank you for your sharing. I like to discover your work. I embrace you

  39. Heel hartelijk gefeliciteerd!!

    Groeten van Paula

  40. Congratulations !!!
    It is absolutely well deserved, your work is stunning.
    Well done, Rosanna

  41. Wow!!!!! Debora, geweldig eindelijk heeft u gekregen wat u al LANG heeft verdiend.
    Gefeliciteerd,U mag er gerust trots zijn, u heeft er hard genoeg voor gewerkt.

  42. Congratulations. I was surprised to read this post as I always assumed judging by the calibre of your work that you already were an IGMA artisan. Have no doubts, you are very deserving of the artisan title and I am sure fellow in the future.....Penny

  43. What an amazing application. How could they say no? Congratulations!! Your miniatures are incredible and this is a very well deserved honor for all of your work.

  44. Thank you all!!! Still happy and on cloud seven :) Not in the least cos this succes has given me the chance to attend Guild School after all, hippy! Feeling blessed and grateful :)

  45. Debora, congratulations on the so well deserved Artisan title. I've always been a fan of your work and I've been following your blog for quite a while now.
    It was a great pleasure to meet you in Castine and I was in awe when I saw your pieces at the exhibit. They are even more fantastic and your work is even more wonderful in person.

    You go girl! :)

  46. OMG Deborah, I'm running a bit behind with all blogs and just read this fantastic news: Congratulations!!! You've absolutely earned it, if I had known before you would apply, I would have been certain you would have been accepted an IGMA artisan, if you wouldn't have been, who would? I think your work is of a very high standard and (of course) the IGMA agrees. Now will you please never doubt yourself again? :) But I must say that keeping oneself to a high standard usually is what makes a person achieve a high standard, so it's what's making you great and better and better. So it is a good thing, but don't ever be less then confident about what you do and can do, it's simply amazing! Proost!

  47. CONGRATULATIONS my friend!!! Great talent and hard work is not common in the same person but you get it!
    A big kiss from Portugal.
    M.A. Bryton (perfect miniatures)

  48. Congratulations Deborah I am proud to know your wonderful creations have moved you to the next step it is well deserved. you put a lot of detail in your work ..... congrats again

