
E-Mail bug

Argh! Apologies to anyone who's tried to contact me through the mail button on this blog! It turned out it hasn't been functioning for a while, thanks to a friend who pointed it out to me! So many thanks to you, Louie!!!  I don't know for how long that has been the case, and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience it might have caused.

I'm confident the issue is resolved now. So, if any one has tried to contact me lately, please do try again! That way I can get back to you as soon as possible.

With sincere apologies,

ps. I wasn't totally sure, but a test mail revealed it's working :))) Thank you Elga!


  1. Test.
    My comments simply have disapeared when I press publish, so this is a test.

  2. Worked fine here, Hans :) But I do not have that awful verification function using numbers. Perhaps it could be the reason? Because on occasion I comment on blogs using that, and when i press the send button the same happens her too; gone! :( No clue to why that happens… I an attempt to overcome that issue I've created the habit to copy my comment before pressing 'send'. If things do go wrong I can quickly return to the comment box, paste it, and retry.

    Hope everything is working fine for you now!
