
closing the ends

Finally I have some time to get back to the four poster beds I was working on. These trimmings will become the top rails on the head and foot boards. But I wanted the ends to be molded too. So here's how I did it;

I've cut some wood to fit (real tight) and try to match the grain as well.

Then cutting away the excess, and creating the hollow shape first. 

Giving it a little step, before cutting the round part that follows.

And then the molding goes all the way round as I designed it.


  1. Brilliant! I can't wait to see more.

  2. Hi Debora! Your techniques are so precise and your abilities are so admirable! The railing looks just perfect! I can't tell where the join is at all! I can't wait to see the entire bed!

  3. Wow, look forward to seeing the finished beds.

  4. wow thanks for sharing how you make things I love seeing your thought processes and execution of them :)

  5. Beautifully finished Debora. I can't see the join at all =0)

  6. Thank you so much for your appreciation! I wanted to show it because this was just one of those things where I didn't knew how to build it until I reached that stage. I had thought of mitering the ends with some extra molding. Seemed the most obvious thing to do, but this way is far less tricky because I knew I could recreate the shape of the moldings freehand. So now it's just as neat, if not neater :) I was at it again last night, until that dangerous now-you're-gonna-mess-up-hour. So; done 18 ends and only 2 more to go. :)

  7. That looks really good! How clever of you to think of that!

  8. Удивительная работа! Такая точность и аккуратность!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Debora,
    Thanks for showing how to build up these shapes. You make it look like it's so easy!!
    You're truely talented.Looking forward to see the finished pieces some day.
    Thanks for sharing
