
French Louis XV Console Table and Rococo Mirror

Happy to tell you this is the last post about the console table, because last week I finished the crest between the legs and the last job was gluing on the pink/peach marble top. Together with the mirror they make a lovely pair. 

And here's a little video:

I loved the challenge of designing and building this table but now it's finished there's no need for me to hang on to these pieces any longer. That means the table and mirror are up for sale and ready for a new owner. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact me for more details. 

ps. right click on any picture to open it in a new page and you can view it in more detail.


  1. Un trabajo espectacular.
    Te felicito.

  2. Hello Debora,
    Following your work step by step and weeks after weeks was something I truly enjoyed. From the blue print to the final console, it's been an amazing journey. Thanks for sharing every moment with us. I assume you enjoyed creating it, we enjoyed following you in that adventure.
    I am impatient to see what your next challenge will be.
    Best regards

  3. That is the most beautifully carved piece of miniature furniture I have EVER seen! I enjoyed every post you made about it while you were working on it. How could you even think about selling it is beyond me. No matter what you get for it I think you will regret it. It belongs in a museum, if not with you. :-)I can't wait to see what you choose to carve next.

  4. It's flawless! I love all of the details!

  5. Hi Debora! After all that painstaking work, I can not imagine how you could part with it as easily as all that!? Your mirror and the console are EXQUISITE! The color of the stain is so wonderful against the blue and the pair of them really are, as Catherine has stated, "Museum Worthy".


  6. So much work has gone into it I don't think I could sell it, but you may feel more able to begin another piece without it drawing your attention as I am sure it must. Fabulous work.

  7. You make it look so easy, Debora! It's crazy how you do it!

  8. It's fantastic, I don't know how you can bear to part with it.

  9. The table is absolutely stunningly beautiful, your carving skills are amazing!

  10. I agree with the above comments: how can you part with it? It does belong in a museum. It is so gorgeous!!! I watched in awe the process of you making it and I bow deeply to your talent!

  11. Pretty console! Great work! I am sure it will find a new home very fast! :) :)

  12. is the MOST beautiful thing I have EVER seen. You are a true artist.

  13. Looks amazing! I can't believe the detail in your carving. It's just simply amazing. I'm looking forward to your next creation.

  14. Hello Debora,
    I am just speechless. Incredible carving always takes my breath away! Both pieces are just fantastic. The accuracy of the detail and carving just amazes me. You are a real inspiration. Bravo!
    Big hug,

  15. The console looks so elegant! It reminds me ballerina's dance. Изящно и воздушно! Mini hugs, Natalia

  16. Такое изящество, такая грация! Это музыка и поэзия в дереве. Спасибо за истинное наслаждение!
    И браво!

  17. These carving can not find the right words! is that it does not express the amazing value! My compliments to be yours!

  18. This is utterly fantastic! I'm glad I was on the journey, so fun to watch but now seeing the finished piece....wowwww words escape me for sure!!!

  19. Hi Debora,
    The table looks wonderfull you've done another amazing job!
    Along with the mirror it would be perfect for any collector I'm sure.
    And the plant in the corner...well what can I say ;D

  20. Wow...wat een prachtig eindresultaat. Complimenten voor deze kunstwerkjes.

    Groeten Xandra

  21. In een woord Prachtig!!! wat een juweeltje is het geworden! Een heel groot applaus voor jezelf, wat een schitterend stuk en inderdaad, de spiegel staat er heel mooi bij
    Heb genoten van je stap voor stap vorderingen

  22. Thank you all, for your very kind words of appreciation. Every single one of you! Taking on this table was quite an adventure, for sure. I've learned loads along the way, loved to share it with you, and together with your company it made it all worth while. Thanks! You're a great bunch!

  23. These are stunning pieces Debby. You really managed to capture the Louis XV style in the shapes and your carving. Again, fantastic work! And again, I have very much enjoyed following the progress on these pieces again. There will be one very lucky collector out there...

  24. Ya puedes sentirte orgullosa. Es una maravilla.

  25. Es uno de los mejores trabajos en madera que he visto, una maravilla.
    Un abrazo.

  26. Absolutely amazing and beautiful!

  27. J'en suis tout simplement baba (speechless in french!).
    Le projet était ambitieux, le résultat est époustouflant!

  28. Hi Debora, sorry I'm so late, I saw this post on someone else reading list and the horror dawned that I had missed it!!
    You've done a truly amazing job on noth these pieces, you should be so proud of yourself. Your fine handiwork is incredible, not to mention the sheer engineering success of constructing the table to begin with!!!
    It deserves to be very well loved in its new home.
    Best wishes
    Si x

  29. Is a great, great work! Amazing, beautiful..fantastic! Congratulations. Hugs. Maria

  30. Wouw Debora,dat ziet er FANTASTIS uit,mijn complimenten.
