
Cutting corners? Yes!

Between work, other obligations and the loveliest summer weather we've been having here in Europe, i found some time to continue carving on the console table.

I focused on the legs, from the feet up. Referring constantly to photo's of the original I started carving the scrolled feet that lead into embracing foliage at the bottom. Then up to more foliage and pierced scrolls to add airiness to the somewhat heavier 'thighs'. Hmm, makes them look sexy, don't you think?  ;-)

I reached the stage where i could not continue carving on the feet because i reached the joint area, where they would meet with the aprons. Above you can see them test jointed with the aid of some double sided tape attached to a faux table top to check and guide me to create the shapes i'm looking for. And to tell me it was time for the next step.

 Last night i kept wondering if there was anything else i could work on or needed to do before assembly. But like so often when you venture onto new roads you've never been before, you should just be brave and go for it (you see Hellie, you're not alone :)) Although I did add a recess at the top inside of the aprons and legs before assembly. I was worried the two leg joints could be too flimsy so for added strength i'd decided on an extra wooden top underneath the marble. That will also add the benefit of giving the marble much more surface to attach onto later on.

 Starting with the front apron the legs were glued into place so i could now work on the inside of the joint area's. On the left before, and on the right after cutting the corner smooth. Then it was the same for the side aprons after they were glued on and dried.

I do like the shape of the joints on the inside, now that's done. Almost as if it's made of one single piece of wood. Just what i aimed for :)  I was also impressed how sturdy it actually is at this stage, because i needed to work on the inside of the joints before the wooden top can be added. That's an area you simply cannot reach after that's mounted.

 The outside shape has been merged together as well as you can see above. So the next step will be carving those :) I'm having a lot of fun at this stage again, because this table construction and the whole sequence of it all takes a lot of thinking through before proceeding. But most of all it's very gratifying to see it come together, just like i had in mind :)))

That's what i wanted to share with you all. Thanks for reading all the way down. I hope you have fun following this challenging build. 


  1. Belle avancée du travail. Merci beaucoup pour les photos très lisibles!
    Bonne continuation

  2. Tja, wat moet ik zeggen... hier zijn geen woorden voor, dus maar weer afgezaagd: GEWELDIG!!!!!

  3. Wat een schoonheid en zulke geweldige fotos!

  4. Je ne sais pas quoi dire , c' est un travail magnifique . Je suis tellement impressionnée .
    Les photos sont tres bien . Elles nous montrent parfaitement l' avancée de votre travail .
    Je rêverai de pouvoir être à vos côtés et de vous voir travailler sur votre table . Pourquoi , je n 'ai pas un esprit comme le votre ? Hihi ! Vous arrivez toujours à ce que vous voulez . J' aime votre façon de réfléchir, de calculer et de comprendre le volume d' un objet . Celui ci était un exercice tres difficile. J' apprends toujours beaucoup en regardant votre travail . Je vous remercie de partager cela avec nous et de penser à prendre des photos à chaque étape .
    Je dois me répéter car je pense que je vous dis cela à chaque fois .

  5. Your woodcarving skills just blow me away, it is so beautiful!

  6. What incredible carving at such a small scale -'it looks wonderful already and it isn't finished.

  7. Hello Debora,
    I am just speechless when I see the excellence of your work! The table is coming along beautifully and the level of skill and detail in the carving is wonderful. Yes, the legs are very sexy...I would take this table home with me any night ;)
    big hug,

  8. omg that is so small I love it

  9. I am also blown away by your carving skills. To carve two perfectly matching legs is astonishing enough but to have it all fit together too. OMG!

  10. Hi Debora! I'm constantly amazed by your work. Your attention to detail, patience and great skill all come together to produce a mini masterpiece. This is true art! I look forward to future updates! Kind regards, Brian.

  11. I sure am having fun following the progress! And you are right, this table is soo darn sexy and elegant...
    You mentioned it earlier but it slipped my mind... is this made of pear wood?
    In my mind is is quite difficult to not confuse the scrolls when you are working on it, but you've got a far better trained eye, so perhaps that is no problem for you.
    It just keeps getting more beautiful with every post.

  12. Debora!!
    There's nothing left to say, but I had to leave my gasps along with the others!
    Utterly incredible!
    A true artisan

  13. I just keep scrolling up and down, can't get enough! So beautiful... and the degree of difficulty is mind blowing, and perfectly executed :) :)

  14. Mijn god, wat is jouw werk geweldig!

  15. What a thorough job! I'm a fan of your carvings! ;)

  16. Un trabajo impresionante eres un artista de la madera.
    Un abrazo.

  17. You do beautiful work - very inspiring. I am looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

  18. Admiro tu habilidad para tallar madera. Eres muy buena.

  19. Je suis admirative du travail de sculpture .
