
Stumbled but up on its feet

Update on the console table, part 5.

 I had carved as much as i thought was possible on the aprons, so the other day the time had come to cut the tenons. Rule number one; measure twice and cut once :) This rule has become a rock solid habit with me, so... so far so good. But rule number two is; don't get distracted. 
And here's where i stumbled :/

I  was cutting away both sides, raising the table saw with each passing till I was at the final cut. I'd finished one side of the front apron and was about to proceed to flip the piece over and do the other side. The very last cut! And that's when i got distracted. My mind was following a fascinating interview on the radio and without realizing it I had left the apron lying upside down... wrong side up...

Since the are not centered within the stock my quick and very last pass made me see the tenon fly from the table saw... oooh horror! What had i'd done!? Where was my brain...!?

I felt só stupid! But i soon set to fix this blunder. No time to dwell! I made a mortise to take a replacement tenon. I might have overdone it by giving that one a shoulder, but hey, that's me. :) 

Pfff... stupid action but it turned out all right. The tenons touch each other within the leg mortise so they got a 45º at the end as you can see above.

I've cut the side tenons as well and it all fits well.

I've made a jig of the exact circumference the marble top minus 2 mm and taped the table to it with double sided tape.

That will tell me the shape the top of the legs and the aprons need to have to fluidly merge into each other. If you look close you can see the centre of the front apron is perfect in line with the jig already, but the legs still extend beyond it. That will be the next step; carving and shaping the top, before descending to the legs. 

So all in all... stumbled, but on it its feet :)

So my dear miniature friends, take my misfortune as a valuable lessen; don't get distracted if you can :( And as for me...? Well, my guess is next time I'll put on some nice Art Deco 1920's music on, instead of interesting talk radio :)))


  1. Debora, I am glad that I am not the only one that makes mistakes while listening to talk radio. LOL Great save!!!!

    1. And im glad I'm not the only one too :)) Thanks!

  2. It already looks wonderful. You amaze me with your incredible artistry and skill. It is going to be a beautiful table!!! I am so glad you are sharing all these steps of your progress.

    I know all about getting distracted. I listen to talk radio too while I am working.

    1. There was some talk lately bout what, and if, one had on in the workshop. Some really like music (I do!!!) and some never have anything on. When power tools are on the bench my radio is quiet too, or i have loud stuff on that can compete with them :))

      Ooh well... it was a great interview non the less :)

  3. Well, a sign of a good miniaturist is fixing mistakes that isn't visible in the final product :-) Good for you, glad you got it sorted out. I think we all get distracted at times or just lose concentration for a moment, my sleeping dog suddenly jumping up and barking does it for me ;-) The table looks great so far, I am looking forward to the next installment of your progress.

    1. Yes, making mistakes is no problem, as long as you don't see 'm. At least, that's what Bill said the other day. And i guess you're right.

      As is the sound of a barking dog too.... that would make me jump too :/

  4. Такая точность! Титаническая работа!

    1. Thank you too, Tatiana. But not so perfect inside ;)

  5. Un trabajo impresionante, fantástico.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Hello Debora,
    I am so happy you were able to fix it without too much trouble. your talent is always an incredible source of inspiration to me. your carving is wonderful and I am learning so much with your marvelous posts.
    Big hug,

    1. Thanks Giac, Great to hear my intentions of posting are coming through :) Why invent the wheel yourself if one can learn from other peoples mistakes?! whaha

  7. Ik had net ook een bericht geschreven bij je post van je kistje met slot, maar net toen ik het wilde plaatsen viel mijn verbinding weg. Wèg bericht! Grr! Anyway, well made, clever solution making a big steel key etc. ;-)

    Well that was a bit of a gamble, carving so much before getting the whole structure right. But, apart from your little moment of distraction, you have done a wonderful job. I can see what you are doing and think you are very clever in your approach. I am enjoying following along through your posts.

    1. Sorry to say, but loosing comments happens to me all the time too...grrr. Not through disconnection but still...Comforting to hear i'm not the only one, although i try to make get the habit of copying my comments before hitting the send/wrong button.
      Is your workshop turning into full gear almost? I'm keen to see your chest hit the finish line too :)

  8. Oh Debora, your re so talented.
    I can only imagine at the horror of your little stumble, but you certainly turned it around.
    Best wishes

    1. Horror indeed Simon... as distracted as my brain was... the next moment it was in full gear to look for solutions. I can tell ya, not a pleasant situation :/ But yes, relieved i found a way :) Learned my lessen there haha

  9. This is an incredible mind blowing exercise in compound angles! WOWWWW you are not only doing a fantastic job of it but the carving is so beautiful! Sorry about the little mishap but GREAT SAVE!!!HAHAHA This is one of the coolest projects I've ever seen :)

    1. :) Cool yah! I think so too :) And exciting. Never done such a table before but it's a joy to see it emerge from the wood.

  10. Hi Debora! Very well done on the recovery! The human brain can only take so much concentration before it screams for a break! Gorgeous carving, it's a joy to see! Kind regards, Brian.

    1. Hahah, i thought recent studies had shown women were good at multi tasking? ;D

  11. Je suis tres contente de pouvoir prendre le temps de lire et relire les posts sur la console .
    Je n' avais pas tout compris en lisant votre premier post . Les angles à 60° et à 45 ° ne comprenais pas le choix des angles . Ouf , j' ai enfin compris avec les dernières photos . Hihi, mon cerveau n'est pas fait comme le votre .
    Merci de nous donner autant de détails sur votre travail . J' ai appris beaucoup de choses .
    C' est un travail trés agréable . J' aime le commencement de votre sculpture . Merci

    1. Catherine, my french is not great so in English; I understand it is hard to comprehend written words when it gets a bit technical, complicated etc. And sometimes i find it hard to explain too. Pictures then show so much more information, tell you the things that you, as reader, wonder about. I'm glad this post helped explain a bit more about what i was telling in the beginning.

  12. Debora, your work is SO Amazing!!! I am in Awe of what you make!!! You are so brave to attempt such difficult designs.... but you Always succeed!!! Even when you "Stumble" you know how to make it right again! Someday I hope I have even a Fraction of the skills you have!!! Bravo to another Magnificent piece of Furniture well on it's way to finished!!!

  13. Hi Debora!
    Supermooi wordt je tafel, en hoe lullig het misschien ook klinkt -maar niet bedoeld- het is een grote opluchting dat er bij jou ook weleens iets fout loopt.
    Je hebt het prima hersteld en het ziet er prachtig uit; ik zat op het puntje van mn stoel plaatsvervangend bijna een hartverzakking te krijgen toen ik het begin van je post last haha :)
