
something on the side

Here's my latest project: a console table from the Louis the XV period. 

I know... it's quite a challenge... but it has a few features i've been wanting to have a go at. Like the pierced aprons, legs and stretcher. And it has a marble top, similarly shaped to one i've in stock and that i wanted to build something for, for quite some time. And on top of that, it matches the latest mirror frame i've made at Guild School. That turned out so pretty i figured it would be neat if it could hang above a matching table. If I can pull it off they'll make a great pair. For that i had to translate RL measurements and pictures to match the size of the marble top i had lying round. It's more narrow than the original and that alters the proportions, so it took a bit of sketching. 

When happy i could cut wood stock and drawn out templates. The drawing above shows the table viewed from the front, side and top. I've decided to put the legs at 45 º to the top, thus letting them come under the top in such a way the shield size and space between the legs will match the original proportions best. Because of the angle I had to translate the 45º view on the legs you see above, to a 90º front view to make a correct template. When done i noticed a challenge. They are set at 45º to the top, but the 'drop', or their own angle to the floor, is roughly 60º. If i would use the traditional way of cutting out cabriole legs (ie use square stock and just draw this 90º view on 2 sides and cut) it would mean a lot of waist and the grain would not run along the leg the most optimum way. So i cut stock to 60º at the top and then run it across my table saw with the miter gauge set at 45º. Passing it twice at opposite directions created the joint area at the right angles. Hope you still follow? I find it rather difficult to explain, hope the pictures somewhat clarify my misty words.

Here's the result, a square joint section at 60º to the stock. Now i could draw out the legs using a template. But before cutting that out, it was time to cut the mortises while stock was still 'square'. But how to hold it under my drill press so i could drill them out??? 

Here's what i've done. I've build a 45º jig. Why I never build one before still riddles me because these things can be so useful! Anyway, I guess this table had to be the reason to make it :) 

Very useful indeed because by drawing out the 60º on it, I could align the stock.

And then... it was all in line to cut mortises.

When time permits i'll continue. Still... a long way from home, but it's a start. 
The aprons or sides of the table will be much easier, i guess :) 

Have a wonderful day,


  1. Je suis en complète admiration devant votre travail! Tout est magiquement magnifique...
    C'est une des plus jolies promenade sur le net, que je viens de faire depuis longtemps!
    Merci de me faire rêver...

  2. Quel beau projet !j'aimerai pouvoir maitriser les scies et les outils comme vous le faites!Je suis impatiente d'admirer le meuble terminé!
    A bientôt!

  3. Wow, that looks complicated but you explained it very well! I'm always amazed at the amount of engineering skill required to get things to look right. It looks great so far! I look forward to seeing updates. Kind regards, Brian.

  4. Well, you certainly have been busy since you got home, I am looking forward to see the rest of this unfold. I also need to build some jigs for angle drilling, I guess we all wait until we really need it. Have fun with your table!

  5. Ooh, such a beautiful project, although very difficult. This is going to be amazing when finished! I can't wait to see the rest of the process :D

    Jana aka Illyria

  6. Hello Debora,
    I am always impressed at your talent for looking at a piece and figuring out how to recreate it and put it together. your post always have beautiful works of art and incredible tutorials.
    Big hug,

  7. It is good to be here again, Debora and I have absolutely no doubt at all that I will see a miniature version of that Louis XV table made by you.

  8. You certainly love a challenge. :-) I have every confidence that your miniature will be as lovely as the original is.

  9. OMG, that table is going to be gorgeous!

  10. Es un gran reto, hermoso y difícil. Pero así son los retos. Estoy segur de que será un éxito.

  11. thats going to be a wonderful table :)

  12. Hoi Debora,
    je legt het ongetwijfeld hartstikke goed uit maar ik snap dr niks van.
    Geeft niet, het ziet er prachtig uit.
    Wat een groot talent.
    Altijd een prettige verrassing om je posts te lezen

  13. Oh those compound angles- WOW and your jig is a wonderful idea indeed, and that table is gorgeous!

  14. Je suis toujours très imprèsionnée par vos posts . J aime vos défis . C est incroyable votre façon de travailler .
    Votre esprit est très doué pour trouver toutes les solutions .
    Merci beaucoup pour le temps que vous prenez pour faire toutes les photos .
