
lock it up

Hi dear miniature friends,

Last weekend i spend at Unicorna, attending a wonderful workshop making a bone casket with Bill Robertson. He taught that same project last june, in Castine, US (annual IGMA Guild School). I was fortunate to be at Guild School, but not in that particular class. Co-blogger Elga did, back then, and it was great to see her chest evolve. And it also gave me the chance to see what i'd be doing a few weeks later, so i was very keen to get at it!

It turned out marvelous. All the various techniques i've learned under Bill's watchful eye, and watching him at it of course. All these different materials, treatments... new skills, tips and knowledge i have taken home with me and i can use for future projects. Those things are the most treasured assets from any workshop, but this time the result does look veeery cute; this tiny bone casket with real working lock;

I didn't got round to finish it completely so I made the lock and handle at home. I even added flowers on the lock. I also kept the metalwork black from the annealing and aged the bone too, to add to the used look.  Just as the original little relic chests, which were meant to keep the remains of saints, like hairs or bone (splinters). Or other subject associated with that person, like fragments of clothing. In this case a carved love spoon i'd made not so long ago. Cos i believe in love. So next time i'm gonna make this one :D

Enjoy your weekend,

ps, we were given a really pretty and fitting key to open and close. But the cast metal it's made of is relatively soft and i don't want to bend it. So for demonstration purposes i've made one out of steel. For good looks i've put in the real key :)


  1. No wonder you're happy with it. It's fantastic! I especially love the metal strapping and lock =0)

    Excellent work as always

  2. Adjectives fail me now. Any written word is just ...
    WOW! :)

  3. Your chest looks great, Debby! Good luck with the carved one, it will look wonderful in miniature.

  4. Es una caja con una calidad increíble. Extraordinario trabajo.

  5. Восхищаюсь!

  6. Es muy bonita. Increible la cerradura.

  7. It is PERFECT! Every bit and well made as Bill's is. You did a fantastic job. I love the working lock. You are so right... The only place you get tips and tricks are in classes. I am sure what ever they were will be forever valuable to future work.

    I LOVE the next box you intend to make. How romantic! :-)

  8. WOW I am so glad I came back for another look because now you have added that GREAT video. Oooooooooooh thank you for doing that. I just LOVE IT!

  9. Hallo Debora,

    Wat een fantastisch mooi kistje heb je weer gemaakt.

    Groetjes Xandra

  10. What a fantastic piece Debora the strapping and working lock are just perfect and i love the design of the handle. Great video too :)

  11. It's a beautiful piece, Debora - so detailed and the little video shows very well the polish on the bone. It's really lovely and I'm keen to see your results with the other chest. That lock and key must have been quite tricky to create but you've done it really well.

  12. how realistic this is, fantastic work, you must be very proud, liked the video as well

  13. Hi every one, thank you all for your kind words, they are very much appreciated. I have to say, I'm proud with the end result too. Not being a metal fan i pad myself on the back i managed to make the lock in one go. But i do work a bit bold when i venture into some area's i'm not yet comfortable with, just as precaution. Hence the slightly overly sturdy strapping :) But i think some credit should go to our teacher Bill too. Because...

    He'd chosen this smart, yet attractive little object as subject for a workshop. The design of this casket is such, that it requires a wide variety of techniques; working bone, dovetailing, basic metalworking and the lock. The best thing is, that if one of those techniques isn't your favorite, or you mess up... whatever... putting all the pieces together it still turns out to be a sweet little box. And that, my dear miniature friends, is very satisfying :)

  14. Het is weer verschrikkelijk mooi gemaakt Deb.
    Mooi om die video te zien. Petje af.
    Gr, Theo.

  15. Una maravilla, es sencillamente perfecto, me encanta.
    Un abrazo.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous! And functional, so glad to see the video of this beautiful chest in action :) LOVE the tiny spoon, it goes so perfectly in the little box.

  17. Everything about it is wonderful, Debs. I too believe in love and will really love to see your medieval romance chest :)

  18. Hello Debora,
    Once again you have created a real work of art. It is just beautiful and so well made. To think that the lock works is a mystery to me.
    Big hug,

  19. Hoi Debora,
    helemaal geweldig, je kist, wat een little treasure!
    Ook een goed idee, dat filmpje, zo is het nog veel beter te zien dan alleen op foto.
    En het slot werkt ook hartstikke goed zo te zien.
    Niet alleen elke vent zn talent dus hihi :)
    Je mag er zeker trots op zijn, prachtig gemaakt.
    De kist van de link is ook heel mooi maar weer totaal anders.

    Met groeiende bewondering,
