
Happy Easter

Hi everyone, i'm sorry it's been so long and i've neglected ya'all and the miniature blog scene. I also want to thank every one that has informed and stayed in touch with me. Cos i'm sorry to say that RL has kept me from blogging but i'm determined to catch up with all the gorgeous creations you've made and the stories you've told.

To kick off i want to wish every one a happy Easter! And at the same time show you the result of our tradition to paint eggs. Plastic-wind-up-eggs :)


  1. so nice to 'hear' from you again and I think your style of eastereggs a great expression of an old tradition, funny stuff! Happy easter to you too :) !

  2. Een hele fijne Pasen voor jou ook, die eieren zijn super leuk! Ik ben ook heel lang weg geweest, soms kan dat gewoon niet anders. Nu ik weer terug ben geniet ik er weer met volle teugen van! Hoop voor je dat jij dat ook weer zal ervaren:)))) xSab

  3. Love the eggs! That first one is my favorite. Missed your blogging. Keep coming back!

  4. Hi Debora!
    please know that during your absence not only old blogfriends missed you, but you also got new followers:) You have a great blog which is very pleasant to read!
    Cheers, Daria

  5. Eeeeeeeeeeee! Love the robot egg! :D Happy Easter!

  6. Happy Easter Debora. You have been gone a long time. I was starting to get worried. I hope life has been treating you well.
    Those eggs are really fun. I think these would be fun to decorate.

  7. HAHAHAHA!!! Very cool!
    Great to her from you my friend :)

  8. hoi debora, welkom terug en een goed pasen gewenst!
    tja, het kan niet altijd feest zijn, het gewone leven eist
    ook aandacht en tijd.
    des te leuker als je weer wel met mini bezig kunt zijn toch :)
    leuke eieren heb je gemaakt; mijn favo is ook het 'robot'-ei, super bedacht!

  9. So Funny Eggs! ;)
    Hope you had a great Easter Sunday!
    A big hug.

  10. Happy Easter Debora,
    Those eggs are the most fun I've seen. What great ideas! Don't you worry, your fans will be here waiting for you when time permits.
    Big hug and happy belated Easter,

  11. Debora, these eggs brought smiles :) Happy Easter indeed :). I am glad you are back !

  12. Hi Debora,
    I hope you've enjoyed easter as well. The eggs look great and ust have been a lot of fun to make them together. Looking forward to read/see more new things on your blog!
