

It's all too clear that summer has gone here in the Netherlands. Most of the colors in the garden have gone from the flowers to the leaves and every variation between red and yellow is there;

Even my small collection of Hosta's have changed to yellows and browns. Cos they were variegated green just a few months ago...

I'm glad my workshop at the back of the garden overlooking it all; it lets me enjoy this final explosion of color since the autumn storms are rapidly ripping away the leaves now that all the plants are closing down for winter.

Hope you enjoyed this small impression of the garden,

ps. i'm enjoying all of this cos on my work bench is yet another folding chair. It takes quit some time but i's gonna be a really nice one. I'll show it to you pretty soon :)


  1. Autumn is my favourite season. You have bought back some lovely memories for me as my last house had the same climber on out back wall and it was always so beautiful in Autumn. You are very fortunate to be looking from your workshop to such a lovely sight. Thanks for sharing.

    Can't wait to see the chair.

    Fi XX

    1. OOh, a back wall, that sounds like the perfect spot for a Virginia creeper. Here it is covering an ugly adjacent fence so it's a bit restricted. But i f it can go up it's all the better! Too bad you've moved Fi, but i hope your new home has a garden as well.

  2. Gorgeous. Parthenocissus is always a show stopper! I see your hostas did particularly well this summer, no holes! This year was the first time -ever-! that the leaves on my hostas did not resemble cheese with holes. The plants are huge this year and looking beautiful in yellow now. Maybe it had to do with the harsh cold snap we had in March and all of the slugs got killed. I don't know.

    1. It could, as you say, have been the harsh snap late in early spring... Fact is that i've seen less snails too, yeah! So I'm glad to hear yours did very good this year. They look so much better that way, don't they? Especially in between the borders. Here it's definitely no option with the boggy soil we're on. Too moist and snails seem to smell 'm from miles away :( Rule of thumb is no poison in my garden so they are in zinc buckets. That seems to help preventing Hosta's from turning into Leerdammer Cheese ;-)

  3. PS: I didn't read the part about the folding chair before... I look forward to that one! A modern one again or a 16th century one?

  4. Love all the autumn colors in your garden. Now between you and Josje I am very curious about the folding chair, I still want to make one of those 16th century ones.

  5. And that makes four: I too am very curious about the chair; I don't mind which model it wil be, I am intrigued by the folding process in such small scale.

    Your garden is a beauty, Deborah!
    The plant covering the fence looks like fire, stunning!
    And your hostas are beautiful.
    I've had some in my garden but within two weeks slugs ate them to the ground.
    I'm not going to buy others because I don't want to reward the little buggers.;)

  6. Your garden is incredible! These pictures are gorgeous, thanks for posting them :)
    Can't wait to see the chair---

  7. Hello Debora,
    what a wonderful garden! It looks so beautiful. there is something so happy about fall colors...then you have to rake them up! I hope the season is a happy one for you.
    Big hug,

  8. I love this time of year with all the color and your garden looks especially beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photos, Debora --they're quite stunning!
