
The Castine Experience, 1

It has been 2 years since i first heard of this gorgeous little seaside village called Castine, Maine USA. Tranquil, utterly pretty and oozing with that typical New England style that is so unique the area. And the past few weeks i was extremely fortunate to visit and experience this little place again. Because I attended IGMA Guild School 2012 for the third time! A whole week of tuition by the best of Miniature Artisans around, together with more then 250 other scale loving students.

All i can say is WOW! What a week it has been; meeting up with dear old friends i'd not seen for a year and making new ones along the way. And not only that, the level of miniature excellence seems to increase with each year i've been there. My mouth dropped as i wondered around the exhibit room at the start of a week of tuition. Students and teachers had brought in the finest creations they'd made during the past year and i was left in awe bout what people are capable of!

So many different techniques... Needle point that even magnified barely showed individual stitches. Metalwork and furniture, with so much detail it took my breath away... Sceneries, dolls and paintings... If i would elaborate on one i would do others short and i don't want to do that. They were all so beautifully made. And seeing some pieces i already knew from the internet, finally for real is just really something! Pictures, how good they may be, never do justice to them!!!  I feel blessed to have seen them with my own eyes and being able to express my admiration and appreciation to their makers.

I must apologize to you lot cos looking back I seem to have photographed just a fraction of what was to be seen, but do enjoy the pictures of The Exhibit Room.

I'll be posting more about the classes i've taken later in the week. First unpacking and getting back into my timezone :) 

ps. Isn't that cute yellow cottage just screaming out to be made in scale?


  1. Welcome back Debora! It was indeed a wonderfull experience. I've done the unpacking allready...

    1. I really enjoyed your company in class, Jeffery. You kept your cool and wits. It was fun. I'm also glad to hear you look back on it as a wonderful experience. Wonderful enough to do it again? Whatever you decide, don't be surprised im really keen to see that gorgeous big bunch of paper clay tulips from you very soon ;-)

  2. Welcome home, I think I am back in my own time zone now, just wanted to keep on sleeping the first two mornings. It was great to see you again, it was an awesome week.

    1. Im so happy for you it turned out to be a fruitful week for you and your ambitions. You are really taking off now, and it was all to clear why. Your exhibit pieces were a delight to see and hold! Thank you for letting me appreciate them. Glad you're safe back home too

  3. Welcome back to Blogland Debora!!!

    I have been eagerly waiting to read all about your trip and see what you made. Hopefully we will get to see more in another post soon.

    Those pictures in the gallery are GORGEOUS!I was drooling over several pieces of furniture and other things. I ADORE the petit point framed picture. OMG!!!! That stole my heart! Please tell me stitched it?

    I look forward to seeing the work you did. XXX

    1. If my memory is correct the framed garden scene was made by Pat Richards, but i'm not really sure. (i'm awful with remembering names, sorry) Maybe Elga can tell, as she's an enthusiastic PP member? Please Elga, can you help us out and shed a light perhaps?

  4. Hi! Thanks for your welcome back. I'm still a bit sad... too bad it's all over in a flash, but I learned a lot as well. And finally some time again to catch up with what you've all been up to!

  5. Hi Debora! I Thought about you being in Castine... I used to live in Maine... a LONG time ago! I live in Massachusetts now, so it is sort of close but still a long way to travel so I rarely go.
    Those pictures of everyone's creations are just unbelievable!!!! I am sure you learned a lot and I look forward to seeing more details!!! (Once you are rested, of course!)

    1. Hi Betsy, i envy you used to live there, it is such a pretty part of your country! In all honesty i've fell in love with Maine, it's natural beauty and architecture are really captivating. But then again, it's all i've seen of the US so far :)) I take it Massachusetts and all the rest of the states, have their own special beauty to offer. This world is such a pretty rock we live on :D

  6. Quelles belles pièces d'exposition , cela fait rêver !

    1. s'il vous plaît profiter des photos, les pièces sont incroyables!
