
flip the floor

I've had some time this weekend to spend on the portable stand. I've made a simple demountable base to raise the floor a bit and at the same time hold the back wall upright. One side of the wall I've opted for marble paneling. I've painted a beige marble that would match the wallpaper I'd chosen.

Cut it into tiles, and marbled a matching top trim and the plinth.
Glued them on some sturdy cardboard and that will be become the lower half of one wall. 
Still the upper part to do, but then one wall will be finished. I'm thinking of doing the other side with some sort of wainscot too. Something like the room box i'd made earlier?? Or as counter-balance it could be a sleek stark wall? Hmm, not sure yet. Depends on the combinations, cos....

The floor has parquet on one side and black and white tiles on the other. You can swap 'm round in a second, just like is possible with the backwall. Giving this display 4 combinations in total. The parquet has had it's third coat of oil now and it's looking better with each new one. 

What a change a flip of the floor can give!
Wish it was that easy in real life :)


  1. It is a brilliant idea and so well done. I love the marble painting you did. The parquet is gorgeous. I love the design.

    I look forward to seeing photos with your furniture against it.

    I am so envious of those little IKEA drawers. They have stopped selling them in the USA.

    1. OOh, that is too bad Catherine!! But why did Ikea stop selling these? I got the impression Ikea was a master in making/selling what appeals all over the world. And let's be honest; these little storage cabinets work a treat and are extremely useful, no matter where you live. They have varieties with different drawer sizes, so you can create your own bespoke stock-wall by stacking 'm. Your comment makes me feel privileged to say I have probably 10 or more of these? *blush, blush*

    2. It is so annoying. Especially when I see them in so many of the blogs I read in Europe.

      I EVEN called IKEA and asked why they stopped selling them here. Sadly, customer service non-existent. The people that answer their phones are only trained to take your order. They cannot answer questions. And that sales person is as far as you can go with the phone numbers IKEA publishes. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I want to email you some, but can't find your address. Would you please drop me a note Catherine, so I can write to you?

  2. Hmm, love the floors and the marbling, but don't know if I like them together...
    Really like your idea of flipping the floors and walls over to get a diffferent combination!

    1. I understand your point of view Josje. I'm not sure either. I made a beige marble as a starter, but definitely wanna do a grey/blueish one as well. So many possibilities; colors, wall papers and finishes... But the best part is... another floor and wall are quickly made.

  3. Ik vind de marmeren muur fantastisch... maar net als Josje, weet ik niet of ik hem bij de vloer vind passen.

    Groetjes Jollie

    1. Het marmer en de tegels zijn samen bedoelt als hal. Ik denk dat als je het in combinatie, daadwerkelijk in een hal van een pphuis zou zien, dat het wel zou samen gaan. Nu is, los zonder context de samenhang idd een beetje verloren. Maar dat geeft niet, soms pakken dingen beter uit en soms wat minder dan je had gedacht.

  4. De vloer is overigens super mooi!! ;-)

    Groetjes Jollie

  5. Met iedere laag olie verdiept de kleur en glans zich. zo mooi! Dus mocht je ooit parket aanleggen, probeer dan eens Deense Olie als afwerking, het werkt heel mooi af.

  6. What an excellent idea nade and I'm envious of your marbelling skills.

  7. It looks incredible!!! Great idea beautifully made---
