
like a fish in the water

Sorry i've not posted much lately. It's not that I haven't been busy. Actually, I've been busy a bit too much i guess? But no time for excuses, here's what's i've been working on when it comes to miniatures. A free standing side table.

Last autumn I've bought a few pieces of real marble table tops at a dollhouse show and this is just one of them. I really loved its shape and the way its build up with all these different colored chunks. It reminded me somewhat of tortoise shell? 

I was figuring what sort of base to make for it and when i thought about turtles, sea turtles came to mind. Then it struck me all of a sudden. Why not go for a nautical theme? As I researched museum pieces and antique dealers while at the same time keeping shells and fish in the back of my mind i discovered a returning theme, magical dolphins. Often made in guild wood, and very popular in the mid 19th Century. Here are a few examples,

As you can see they can consist of just a single fish or 2 intertwining. Even 3, just curving around them selfs. All these varieties offered me the freedom to create a design of my own. Sketching and looking for the "right feel" i ended up with 2 Symmetrical intertwining dolphins. Then I made a clay model to get an even better feel for the shape and curves, and to see where the challenges would lie. Doing so i discovered that carving some of the inner shapes would be next to impossible. Cos both fish would be identical i decided to cut them out separate but simultaneously. So I made side views and cut the rough shapes out of solid pear. Lovely wood to work with. If you want to, you can check out all different stages here, in one of my albums, cos otherwise it would be way too many photographs.

It's now at this stage that it's ready for detailing, a very time consuming process. And even though my eyes need more and more (day) light as they grow older (don't all miniaturists suffer from it???) i feel like a fish in the water. Because spring has arrived, the back garden is bathing in sunlight. And I can't think of no better spot to carve...

Enjoy your weekend


  1. Hi Debora,
    That will turn into one fine table I'm sure!
    Looking forward to see the progress on it.
    (by the way will you be visiting the Arnhemfair tomorrow?)

  2. Shoot! Its this weekend already!? Aargh, i would love to go... but i'm afraid not :( Which is too bad cos it would be a great opportunity to meet prior to Castine. i'm not going out of self protection, i just know i would indulge myself with something but i need to safe the miniature money box i have for coming summer ;D That will be expensive as it is and you cant spend a dollar twice, now can you?I take it you'll be going though? If so, hope you'll have great finds and get loads of inspiration, ENJOY!!!
    ps thanks for your comment :)

  3. Dat wordt echt prachtig, dat is nu al te zien!
    Heb er echt bewondering voor dat je dat zo zelf ontwerpt en maakt!

  4. Wonderful work with the base of the table! Debora! I look forward to seeing the details.

  5. Oh, Debora! These are Beautiful! And I know they will be only more STUNNING when you are done! I admire your work SO MUCH!

  6. Welcome back, I missed you. Oh, I can't wait to see how this is going to turn out, stunning, I just know it. See you in 11 weeks.

  7. Hello Deborah!
    I could not resist commenting on this table. It is absolutely beautiful! Your carving skills are amazing. Hope to see more from you soon.
    Warmest regards from Ray

  8. Sorry to have added an "H" to your name.......I was dumbstruck by that wonderful table. My apologies..........

    1. Don't feel bad about it Ray. It was my Dad who forgot the "H" and he feels sorry ever since. I think that is more then enough, don't you??? Besides, you should see how folk spell my Sir name... :D

  9. Debora, I love how that table looks! It's perfect!

  10. Whaou! Un nouveau chef d'oeuvre en préparation! Quelle minutie pour sa réalisation. J'espère que la blessure n'était pas grave... et que le sang n'a pas tâché le bois!!!

  11. Great fun, what a project to take on, it needs a steady hand and a sure eye for proportions and lines.

    Please do share a photo of your carving tools. You know how much I love tools!

    1. It sure is great fun Karin. These fish really get me going. And as for the tools, i already took a pic. Next post will feature it.

  12. It`s wonderful, fantastic work!

  13. I must admit that this kind of design is not exactly my cup of tea but I admire your work which is so perfect.

  14. Hi Debora, What a wonderful object. It must have taken you ages and a lot of patience! I see the plaster on your finger!
    I cant wait to see more. Your work is so inspiring.
    Best wishes
    Simon -x-

  15. Wow! That is amazing work, Debora! Too cool!

  16. It's a marvellous table and your work is excellent. Shame about the finger though (I spotted it in your album!) There must be a lot of skill involved getting both dolphins identical.

  17. Hello Debora,
    Your work always impresses me. VERY well done. It looks beautiful and the detail is perfect. I am in awe of your talent.

  18. Excellent. The low winter to spring sun is the best light for carving in my experience. Later it will be too hot and the high angle does not make the good shadows required for miniature carvings.

    1. So true, so true. Nothing beats this time of year, so I've got to make the most of it while it lasts.

  19. Wat schitterend.
    Wat kun jij prachtige dingen maken.
    Ik ben heel benieuwd naar de vorderingen.
    Ik zie uit naar het vervolg.
    Groetjes, Alexandra.

  20. Another gorgeous project! I love the shapes you have chosen, their tails curling around eachother to support the table top. It will be another stunner when it is finished!

  21. Thanks every one!! For your kind and encouraging words. Glad to hear you are as keen as me to see these evolve. Im really excited bout 'm. I'll post again soon
