
Home Improvement

When I was making the paneling of these walls I had the blue-green wallpaper in mind that's in the previous post. It's one of my favorite colors and it works so well with most wood tones. But at the same time I thought it would be a shame to be limited with just that one backdrop, considering how much work that had gone into it. Wouldn't it be great if you could easily change the upper wallpaper, and have a completely different atmosphere!? 

So the top rail of all the panels are loose, and that way you can comfortably slide in another piece of paper, to have an instant make-over! I wish it was that simple in my own house :) Here are the same walls but with beige wallpaper.

The setting lacked something, so I decided on making a banana tree. I'm not really into plants (there are true artists out there that do really mind blowing stuff) but I'm pleased with the result. Still a young specimen that hasn't flowered yet, but it will in a few years. Hopefully we'll see some fruits as well :))
The gorgeous pot is by Cocky Wildschut.


While I was at it, I'd gone for something completely different to show you what a change of paper can do. Here it's a kids room in the monumental building so the occupants decided to mingle the old with the new. 

I've had fun making the swing, wish I had one in my room when I was a kid... but I do now, yeah!
The three bears are made by Christa Chayata , the mouse was a nameless find at a doll house show some time ago. I've made the sled and the little rocker was one the classes I followed at Guild School last summer. 

I've made some pictures to show you how the walls work. The top rim of each panel is loose. A sheet of acrylic with the appropriate thickness (in this case 0.8mm) slides in and out of the groove behind.  That way the thin (wall-) paper is kept tight behind the edge. If I had cardboard in the needed thickness I would have used that. Then the paper could be glued on the board. Now it's loose cos I couldn't glue the paper to the acrylic.

The cord that holds the swing is made just as the life size. My Dad once taught me how to inter twine cord as a kid. This, till this day never used skill, was really handy to make it look as real as possible.


  1. Debby wat een prachtige kamer met zulke mooie details. Bijvoorbeeld hoe je het touw van de schommel gedraaid hebt. Hoe het systeem van de muren in elkaar zit snap ik niet helemaal maar het idee is super om zo een kamer een heel ander thema te geven.
    Ook op je bananenplant mag je trots zijn!
    Groetjes, Roelie

  2. Ik kijk m'n ogen uit. Wat geweldig mooi en wat een goed idee om het behang te kunnen vervangen.

    groet Heleni

  3. That is a BRILLIANT idea!!!!! The results are astonishing because it changes the atmosphere of the room so dramatically! I love that!!!!

    I wish you had show us how it works. I assume the upper panel piece is not glue in place and the wallpaper must be glued to a thin piece of card stock.

  4. It is very interesting to see how the colors can change the whole setting. I would have hard time to chose between a green-blue and the first one in this post. This brilliant idea with the opportunity to change the wallpaper suites me and my constantly changing mood perfectly, because it allows to change the whole atmosphere of the room box. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Very clever, thanks for sharing this great idea!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Whatever you decide to show is always amazing :-)
    Mini hugs, Flora

  7. Stunning! I love the paper in the children's room and the swing with the bear.

  8. Great!!! Thank you so much for those pictures!!! I love how you did this.

    I am someone who tires of the same look very quickly. my biggest worry is I would finish a house and then about 10 days later I would want to tear it apart and re-do the whole thing all over again. I love the idea of moldings and paper together!!!!

  9. Quelle magnifique idée! C'est vrai, ce serait vraiment fantastique de pouvoir changer aussi facilement le papier peint chez soi!

  10. I understand what you mean Catherine. Hence my solution :))

    And these are just a few examples. The possibilities are endless! The only thing is you're restricted to the -somewhat classic- core. I do hope it is useful and you can incorporate this idea in your own situation (one way or another).

  11. That's very clever and beautifully done.

  12. What a fantastic idea! We know that the wall color means a lot, but here we see the changes easily, great job. Also love your banana tree.

  13. Great idea!!!
    It is very nice & very elegant!!

  14. That's a wonderfully clever idea Debbie! A modern take on the old photographer's studio's ;)

    I love the last photo's of the room with the children's toys. The room looks so very real. Love you swing as well, the rope is great. When I was a little girl I did have a swing in the house. A lot of fun, but please tell the children who come to play on your swing not to turn round and round on the swing and then let go, that's how I ended up with stitches on my head :0

    Your banana plant looks very good in Cocky's pot.

  15. WOW.....that is so amazing! I LOVE the blue room but now that I see this latest color I really love this too. Incredible idea that you have about being able to change out the paper. I love the children's room too. So clever!!!!

  16. Mennyi ötlet egy helyen és még milyen sok elfér, alig várom a folytatást!

  17. Hello Debora,
    I just have to say I love your blog. The rooms are not only enchanting but also VERY realistic. I looked over several of your post and some of your tips and tricks are wonderful. Ilook forward to reading more.
    Also, Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
    Have a great day,

  18. Nu ik zie dat de muren los zijn snap ik het systeem helemaal. Geweldig, zowel de blauwe kamer als de bovenste kamer met een galerie achtige uitstraling of de kinderkamer.
    Dank je voor het delen van je technieken.( ik kon weer een aantal dagen niet posten)

  19. Hi Debby,
    I have just joined your blog. I am completely amazed at your level of skill, you are a true Artist. Your attention to detail incredible as these changeable panels show.

    Very inspiring!


  20. very beautiful, great work, I love all the detail and care you put in everything!

  21. Hi all! And thanks you for your kind words. I'm glad you like the idea and who knows, it might inspire some of you to use it one day in your own situation. Just like all your blogs inspire me. I just love to read bout all your creations and how you go about it! All your creativity boosts me so I should thank yóu!

    Have a great weekend :)

  22. I haven't visited here for quite a while, I've been missing out on new post notifications :( My goodness you've done some amazing work, it's all looking totally gorgeous!!! The teddy swing is such a delight. I must put you on my home page blog roll immediately so that I don't miss out on new posts any more!

  23. Hi Norma, I'm glad you like the teddy swing , it's my favorite too :) And I can relate to what you're saying, As I just got back from a holiday. There's so much to catch up on... I'm trailing you all. Sorry to hear it's the notification that's failing on you, hope it will resolve itself soon.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  24. Great blog post! I don’t understand how long it will require me to obtain through all of them! Helena

  25. Thanks for sharing! I wish my house would stay at least a day that organized, but since I have four kids and work, I'm unable. My kids are always making a mess of things, and it drives me insane. A few months ago tho, I found that The Top Cleaner helped me find the best companies to clean my house, they did an awesome job!

  26. Home Improvement where Randy (Tim's Son) was going to perform a ventriloquist act at school. Tim (Tim Allen) makes him a dummy that looked just like him. Best Candle Lighter
