
Early summer I made an open room box with a parquet floor & inter changeable walls. I found I needed something to set the things I'd made and thus be able to make good pictures. Cos I had little time I'd made some plane walls but a more classic setting could be useful too. Because I made a base that would mount loos walls it's an easy job, just the walls to do :)

So I researched French and Flemish 18th Century interiors and designed a similar waling, even added a window. The paneling made out of cardboard/paper of various thickness. Framed with wooden moldings. 

Here it's mounted prior to painting. 

This is how it stands so far. Two very thin coats and gently sanded in between. That way the molding will not clod up and stays crisp. I guess it needs  two or three more coats (ánd sanding, yuk!) and then the upper part of the walls can be done. I kinda like it, it looks really classic, chic even.

Take care and enjoy,


  1. Bedankt voor je leuke reactie op mijn blog. Ik heb jouw blog en foto's van de lambrisering bekeken.
    Dit werk is zo professioneel gemaakt. Ik ben onder de indruk, zo ook van de spiegel. Geweldig! Heel knap werk.

    groet Heleni

  2. It is really BEAUTIFUL! I love the paneling. You're right it is very crisp looking. Too much sanding would ruin that. I also love the floor!!! I am looking forward to seeing your progress.

  3. Oh, I love this!

    I never thought you could do paneled walls in a dollhouse. Fabulous!

  4. Very "chic" indeed! Great work! Love the floor!

  5. The floor and walls are stunning!!

  6. It looks beautiful Debbie! Yes, you do need something to show off the gorgeous pieces you make in. You can't keep using your mother in law's house (beautiful though that is!).

  7. Both the floor and walls are beautiful!

  8. That looks nice.
    The floor is beautiful.
    I'm curious about the progress
    Have a nice day


  9. It's a lovely idea and a perfect backdrop.

  10. Ik ben het helemaal eens met de mensen die al gereageerd hebben.

  11. Thanks every one. The panels are only half of it... There will be larger panels above it as well. Carved cornicing and... But I've run out of wood so I'm off to the store in a sec.

    Have a great weekend.

  12. It already looks fabulous empty, I love your panelling and the parquet floor.

  13. A falburkolat és a padló is csodásan igazira sikerült ! Tökéletes.

  14. Preciosísimo Débora me encanta ,una pregunta de qué tamaño es la moldura de el friso y paredes ,me encantaría hacer algo parecido un cuarto mini .... saludos desde México besitos
