
steady as it goes

I'm very pleased with the way this table is turning out. I cant wait to have it finished and set up a nice scene with it.


  1. wat prachtig zeg, echt een kunstwerk

  2. Your table is turning out great and your carving is fantastic!!!!! Looking forward to see your scene.

  3. ongelofelijk mooi, en wat een geduld moet je hebben. Het ziet er al behoorlijk af uit!
    Ben benieuwd hoe het er helemaal af uitziet!

  4. Geweldig mooi. Wat lijkt me dat heerlijk werk, houtsnijden...

    groet Heleni

  5. Thank you all, I'm glad you like it. I'm very pleased with it myself. Although it took a while to get the design right, it was worth the wait.

    Bedankt allemaal, fijn dat jullie 'm ook mooi vinden worden. Ik ben er zelf zeer tevreden over. Het duurde even voordat ik het juiste ontwerp had gevonden, maar dat was het wachten wel waard.

  6. Well, you must be pleased, cause the table looks so gorgeous!! :) love it!

  7. Debora, You must be so extremely proud of yourself! The table is exquisite! A gorgeous piece of art!!!

  8. What a fantastic table, very beautiful!!!

  9. Wow, what a fantastic piece of art! I can't wait to see it in a setting.

  10. It looks wonderfull......and would make great scene's I'm sure! I love the fragile legs you've made...The marble is from Trees, right?
    Hope to make something like it for my dining room someday.

  11. Estoy de acuerdo con los demas compaƱeros, esto deja de ser una miniatura y se convierte por derecho propio en una obra de arte, fantastico¡¡¡

  12. Wat mooi gemaakt,een juweeltje vind ik het.
    groetjes adrie

  13. I'm sorry for my late response. First a big thank you for all your nice words. Too bad i can't show you the end result yet. The lovely weather and holidays with the family has kept me from progress, but it will be done soon.

    @ Jeffry, yes it's a marble top from Trees Beertema (Unicorna), which I bought a few years ago. I liked the shape at the time, thought to make a table for it some day.... You go get you a nice piece too!! I can't wait to see what you would do with it

  14. Wow, Just saw you lovely table, it is beautiful, well done! Hope the light gets even better so we might see more of your carving!

  15. You're doing such a wonderful job on the whole project! The design is quite complicated but works so well, the legs look almost sensual. '
    Wish it would rain ;)

  16. @ Josje, thanks, and yes, i feel the same way too; it is becoming a very sensual table
