
half stage

It has been a while since i logged about miniatures. Let me try to explain why.

Some of you may recognize this. When starting on a new project you sometimes know you will encounter unfamiliar issues. The fun part and real challenge (for me) is to find solutions for those problems. For instance; a joint you need to figure out or a new material you wanna use. For the most you can test things out and study the possibility's and limitations of what you wanna do or make, in advance.

So far so good, but sometimes you know you can't think things through all the way. Not knowing whether your design will succeed with the new material or if the new skills you wanna use will be satisfying. I've found there is only one way to find out; I just start... and see were it will bring me, relying on my knowledge & fantasy to figure out what ever comes my way.

This table is a good example of a project that has challenged me. The marble top i had lying around was the source for the idea to make a serpentine table. I cut 4 feet while I hadn't yet designed the curtains underneath the table top. I thought i would get inspiration while cutting the feet. Unfortunately I didn't. It has given me headaches all winter.

I have been struggling with a design for the skirting that would complement the feet, yet would follow the circumference of the marble top at the same time.

Fortunately I've lost the perfection paralysis i was suffering from and finally come up with a pleasing design. It's only half stage still but I've learned this winter I'm not as creative in solving (design) problems as I thought.


  1. The table looks wonderful so far, Debora. I can't wait to see it completed. Keep going!

  2. Oh Debora ! It is absolutely extraordinary !
    What a wonderful work and what a wonderful piece !

  3. I love what you have come up with for the skirting! The lines follow the marble perfectly! I find that I can do the same thing with projects. I have had two dolls to dress for awhile and because one is in a seated position I find myself putting off dressing her because I want to make sure everything will fit properly. I am still figuring it out....LOL....makes me stop in my tracks!

  4. It's a magnificent piece....I love it!!!
    Your skills amaze me.


  5. Adorable piece,it makes me speechless !Jeannette

  6. Debora, it is gorgeous! Sometimes the piece just needs to brew for a while! I think you have come up with a perfect design!

  7. Thank you all for your comments and encouragements, I'm so happy to be on the move again too. I promised myself not to start on anything new before this table is done!!

  8. Don't be too hard on yourself Debbie, getting stuck sometimes will happen to most creative people at one time or another. The solution you have come up with is already looking fantastic!

  9. The design is wonderful, you're truly an artist,
    and your carving skills are beyond amazing!

  10. Incredibly beautiful work ... so elegant and refined!
