
a little carving....

I've found some time to do a little carving

Not finished yet, but it will be... soon
enjoy the weekend


  1. Very intricate looking work on such a small scale! You must have tons of patience :)

  2. Uf ¡ ! Trabajo de las Naciones Unidas Es Muy Delicado y bien hecho " Muy . Ya vere El final de tu maravilloso Trabajo.
    Besos Clara.

  3. Nu vind ik al mooie spriaal op hout.

  4. Debora, I love your carving abilities!! You have done great!!! You managed that just with small files? I LOVE it!

  5. El tallado es un trabajo muy minucioso.
    Te ha quedado estupendo.
    Un abrazo

  6. Debby, ik vind het schitterend wat jij maakt en vooral die Nautulus op standaard, prachtig gewoon!

    Groetjes Jody.

  7. @ Nick, You too must have it, right? : )
    @ Clara, Yo no te entiendo, pero gracias por tu comentario
    @ Lisette, Dankje wel. Heb zojuist nog een geschikt schelpje gevonden.
    @ Patty, Thanks. Almost all is done with a knife, or to be more exact, a scalpel. Only the inside between the ropes, the inside curve is done with a file. Cos it's almost impossible to make the cut in that narrow space. The disadvantage of using files is that they leave a rough surface. Now there is still the sanding down of the wood fibers to do.
    @ Maite, Gracias!
    @ Jody, 't idee kwam uit een interieur catalogus.

  8. I always love your little carvings! Looking forward to see what these ones will turn into! :-)

  9. Zoals gewoonlijk weer fantastisch!!
    groetjes Sylvia

  10. Deborah, as usual, your work is superb . Thank you for showing us the tools :). Very useful for me to see what you work with to create these stunning results!
