
little chest

Here are e few more pics of the little chest we did, to give you an idea of the dimensions. The hinges were an other good design, it fits the chest so well. Basic & honest.


  1. Hij is fantastisch, echt vakwerk!!!!
    Groetjes Sylvia

  2. Ja, fantastisch!!! Ga je het kistje nog verder afwerken? Ik bedoel natuurlijk de kleur, ga je het verven of zet je het in de was of olie?

    Mooi stukje vakvrouwschap!


  3. Love it, the dovetailing is perfect!

  4. Prachtig! Mooi om te zien hoe de verhouding is met je hand ernaast.

    Je zult waarschijnlijk extra bezoekers krijgen, je wordt namelijk genoemd in het linkenlijstje van:

    Fijne dag! groetjes Evelien

  5. thanks every one! We hadn't put on a finish, on purpose... that way we could decide later-on what each of us would want to do with it...

    I guess a little wax rubbing will do the trick here. Don't wanna hide the hard work :)

  6. The box you made is fabulous and I love the photos you took of Maine and the classes. The metal work you did is also amazing. I must try and take some classes as I really don't know how to do anything, just making it up as I go along, very slowly.
