
The flooring in the old wooden house

Building the timberframed house for my mother-in-law was lot's of fun. The outside she wanted more or less historacly correct, so there was no room for arguments there. But the inside... that was a whole other ballgame.

"Tiles" she said, when i asked her about the hall and kitchen. She was quite sure about the look she was after, but where to find it??

World&Model had some that came close, but she disposed of them. Not to her taste. Tiny Ceramic's from Rita Kruger was more up her street. Real tiles and of great quality. But at Dollhouse-Tiles, run by Graham Simkin, she found what she was looking for.

Although not realy ceramic, the acurate dimensions of the individualy CNC cut tiles meant that an intricate mosaic floor could be laid. She chose a design and I took measurements of the hall, bathroom and kichenfloors. As they sell their mosaic tiles in pack of 6x4 inch, I had to calculate how to place the patern, and how wide the borders would need to be, for me to finish with a neat edge. I checked the maths several times before ordering ;-)

I glued the tiles on cardboard with the desired dimensions on it, and placed them afterwards in position.

The hallway, as you can see the most intricate. After that, the kitchen and bathroom where 'a piece of cake'

The kitchen

and the bathroom. For the rest of the house, ie the livingroom and bedrooms I picked americam oak. Hardwearing floors that would suit the new owners. I cut a wide variaty of boards out of veneer, and gave them a beveled edge. I glued and nailed them in place and gave them all a final buffing with floorwax.

With the exterior and flooring compleet it was ready for the interiour design touch of the new owners. That's for the next episode.


  1. Dear Debora, what can I say, I´s just so perfect, and I love the floor in the hallway!

  2. I love the entrance floor.Thank you for the links, they are extremely useful. Good night Rosanna

  3. Now that is one very fortunate mother-in-law. Great job you did, quality from top to bottom.

  4. Your floors are all wonderful! Beautifully done.

  5. I like the mosaic effect and the colors also give them an old world charm...I simply love the floors with mosaic.

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  6. Absolutely beautiful. I am sure your M-I-L will be thrilled with the work you have done so far.

  7. I loved the pattern on the first picture, well, everything looks so perfect, you did a fantastic job!

  8. Es un trabajo fantástico. Me encanta el resultado. Muchas gracias por los links de las tiendas.


  9. I love what I see in every picture, but the kitchen was fantastic; both the floor and the units!!!!! I cannot wait to see more!


  10. The mosaic floors are so beautiful, both the patterns and the colours, especially in the hall! Thank you Debora for sharing how you did it and the links! And I also loved that you nailed every floorboard on the other rooms! The finished result was perfect! Now I'm looking forward for the next episode :-)

  11. It's so beautiful! It looks like a tiny dream house to me. I can't wait to read the next episode!

  12. Thanks for your kind words! Floors, what a difference they can make, don't you think? It changes the whole look of a room. I remember what a hugely satisfying job it was to wax the wooden floors. It's like painting a white wall with applegreen paint or something... Inmediate result ;-))

  13. De vloeren zijn zo mooi en de prachtige keuken wil ik wel graag 1:1 hebben, hi.

  14. You are just good at every single aspect of dollhouse building! The floors are beautifully laid ! I am envious of your mother in law:)

  15. The floors are wonderful. I shall have a look at the site you mention but not sure where to start working out the pattern and size etc. You have done a wonderful job.


  16. Thank you Pandora. Picking patterns etc is hard i know... so much to choose from. Maybe you'll get some inspiration from these sites

    good luck!

  17. Hi Debora
    Apologies for the very late comment.
    I love what you have done with the tiles, it must have taken ages! And the wooden floor is particularly pretty.
    Best wishes
