
Old dutch skates

No scenique pictures this time, I am still looking for fake snow to buy. It could be so much fun to set op a scene with the sled I made earlier. Maybe I'm even going to knit a scarf as well... who knows?

After taking the measurements of my own skates and checking them with skates on the site the Fries Marine Museum, I milled the grooves for the irons. After that I drilled the holes for the leather belts. All of that goes a lot easier if your stock is still square, so after that was done, the carving began. I didn't sand down any part, as a cut leaves a far more crisp surface.

The wood was then varnished 3 times, sanding down ever so lightly inbetween to loose the few possible raised grains of the wood. The irons were cut to size using a pair of siccors and some fine needle files to form the curve in the front. No glue was used, they fit snug and tight.

Making the straps out of leather proofed to be as big as a job as the skates themselfs. But they turned out allright. Mostly original skates have stripped orange ribbons to tighten the straps, but I still haven't figured out how to makes those. Using lacemaking techniques is probably the best option, but for now I used ordinary rope. My own skates have that as well, some old shoe laces. And that works just fine, as our doughter has learned how to skate on them,
last january ;-))


  1. Jeetje Debora wat ben je toch een knappert...ik wil al zo lang van die schaatsjes en jij maakt ze zomaar even en hoe!!!!!!
    Je bent echt een artiest in alles wat je maakt en het zijn stuk voor stuk museum stukjes...echt geweldig!!!!

  2. As soon as I saw them I thought of "Silver Skates" a book I read as a child and set in Holland. I loved it and I had a lump in my throat. Thank you very much Debora, they are beautiful. Have a nice day Rosanna

  3. Het is erg mooie vakwerkje van schaatsen.

      Groetjes Lisette

  4. Wat ontzettend mooi!! En wat lijken ze echt! Je maakt zulke knappe dingen, echt prachtig!

  5. Sabiha, 'k beloof niks, maar wie weet heb ik je Sint-Swap lootje wel!? (gele smiley-grijns met knipoog)
    Oooh Rosanna, it sounds a lovely book. Who was the writer, do you still know? Please, let me know, so I can search for it
    Lisette, zijn het dezelfde als die van je Oma? Waar je het op heb geleerd? 't Is best moeilijk hoor, ook Emma vond het niet gemakkelijk ;-)
    Dankjewel Anneke, ben jij de Anneke uit Zaandam?

  6. Thanks for showing the skates Debora. They are really great!!!!

  7. these are wonderful! i do love tiny things. x

  8. Hallo,

    Nee ik ben niet Anneke uit Zaandam, ik woon in Friesland ;)
    Bij deze wil ik je ook graag een award voor je fantastische blog geven, ja kan hem ophalen op mijn blog.


  9. Love the skates! I too learned to skate on a pair of those. My dad tied the laces really really tight, but even so, after a while they would always become undone and I'd be skating more on my shoes than on my skates ;)
    Nice detailing, like the leather straps in the back. Josje

  10. Lo esquis son una maravilla.
    Tengo un premio luz para ti por ser una seguidor@. MuchĂ­simas gracias por estar hay y hacer que siga adelante con el blog.
    Espero verte pronto.

  11. Zaandam of friesland, het maakt niets uit. Anneke, bedankt voor je award, hij staat op de plank ;-))
    Josje, I guess our generation and older all learned it on these wooden skates. Its only a decade or so that they are made in some sort of plastic (zandstra's) which doesn't come loose. Unfortunally, I must say, couse that way it gave you an excuse to have a break hihi(ie tighten them on again)
    Virginia, Thank you so much for that, call me a fan:-)
    Meli and Ruth, nice to read you enjoy them! To most Dutch they are a thing of the past, with all the memory's that are attached to that.

  12. Wat een mooie dingen maak jij Deborah, wat een eer dat je mijn site volgt.
    Je schaatsjes zijn super, ook het huis is geweldig.
    Je quilt,je... ja zo kan ik maar blijven door gaan, ik vindt echt alles super!
    en dat ik geen geslijm,ik meen het echt.

  13. De nada!! Gracias por apoyarme

  14. I really like your old world colors and textures. Lots of care and detail goes into your work :)
