
a summer by the sea

People who read this blog may remember the lovely carpet that Nolda had made for me. It was up to me to do the finish i.e. the sides and frinches. As I never done that before, I thought it would be usefull to do some practice first on a carpet by my own. I didn't want to mess up her beautifull work.

You must know that every holiday I take a small (dolls house-) job with me, as spare time realy gets me going. In this case I took my own carpet with me. The last two weeks we went to the Wadden Sea and we had a lovely time. Here you see our daughter and me looking for small shells. It was fruitfull as well as my practice-carpet got finished doing the stiching.

Normaly I wouldn't use a ring when doing embroidery but with half stich it's quit usefull. It's a bit more work because you have stich up and down, but it prevents your work from warping and keeps it nice and square.

After that I did the sidestiching and blocked it up to do the frinches. But I thought the colors were a bit to harsch so I rememberd a trick to soften them down. Dapping with tea. Eventually I switched over to coffee. You should have heared my husband... "youre doing what...!?" Haha, he just doesn't understand, but he lets me. I Love him.

Anyway, after finishing my own, I felt confident enough to do Nolda's carpet and now I have two carpets done.

Finaly a close-up of the two carpets. On the left my first ever half stich and on the right the one that Nolda has made for me. It's so fine and detailed. I teasure it!


  1. Did you really only take 2 weeks to finish that carpet?? That is pure amazing speed lol! The coffee tip is priceless, thank you!

  2. As usual you work is perfect!!!! Congrats.

    Best regards,

  3. Jeetje Debby...prachtig geborduurd hoor!
    Je kleedje is helemaal top...en de afwerking
    is super!

    En wat betrefd schelpjes zoeken,zou er zo tussen willen zitten,haha!
    Fijne Vakantie!

  4. @ Sans,haha two weeks? Oh no, not me, sorry...
    ;-) I'm only human and I think I came halfway just before we left on holiday. And that took me - I guess- 8 or 9 weeks or so. As i got fed up with the lack of progress I guessed it would be a good idea to take it with me. And it did, as you can see!
    The coffe tip is a bit scarry -I must say- but effective

    @Paloma, Thanks, but let us not forget my Mother In Law. If you realize she's got artrhitis.

    @ Sab, ik las bij Josje dat je eerst twee dagen tussen je tuinplanten heb gekropen op zoek naar die prachtige clematis. En nu wil je met mij op je knietjes op zoek naar schelpjes. :D raar mens! LOL hoe meer zielen...

  5. Lovely work, as usual. Did you and Nolda both use miniature carpet patterns, or adapt something larger to mini? I can't get over the detail, especially in Nolda's carpet.

  6. Texas Belle; they both came out of patternbooks.

    The one by Nolda is from a gorgeous book called 'Traditional Needlework in Minature, Classic Designs with 54 patterns' by Anelle Ferguson (ISBN 1-893625-06-0)
    The one I've done came out of 'More Miniature Oriental Rugs and Carpets' by Meik and Ian McNaughton (ISBN 1-86108-154-5)

    Both books are packed with patterns to get you started, but the one Annelle has made is truely inspirational! Lots of scenearies with applied embroidery and exceptional miniatures.
