
The lady went to the kitchen to make a cup of thea, so I quikly took some pictures.

This first one is when the last of the regular size bobbins was to be changed for a miniature one.

She already had some cookies within reach, and sitting in front of the window assured her of daylight to work by.

As with any craft, you get dozens of bits and bobs when making lace. And what better way then to store them in the big frontdrawer.

cissors, unused bobbins, threads and prickings.
The inset can slide from left to right, or even taken out to get to the back compartiment.

And when not in use, just close the drawer and all is neat.
When I carved the sides of the roll, it thougt it would be nice to let the design return in the sides of the stand. The carving and fretwork was done without the use of machines. It's all done by hand.

Even the back has three drawers, the middle one can be used to store the lace dustfree while continuing making bobbinlace.

The bobbins I'de made out of coctailprickers using a scalpel, and then giving them a french polisch.
The edginglace is done by a design of Roz Snowden.


  1. OOOHHHH I'm openmouthed! gorgeous. I thought it was real scale until I read that bobbins where made with cocktail sticks. Really beautiful. Rosanna

  2. Thanks for the compliment Rosanna, saing you were fooled is the best one there is.

  3. Debby, this is a most most most amazing fretwork done by hand I have seen in modern time miniature community. I always feel I have to type in repeated words like "most most most" when it comes to your work :)! Love everything you do. Very very (see there i go again) inspired by your work.

  4. :-)) Your comment made me smile, so funny. I felt the same when I strolled around your blog. I haven't seen all of it yet, but when time is on my hand I'll install myself infront of the pc with cookies and a cup of coffee

  5. It's just perfect!!! I was surprise to see that it was mini!!!!

  6. I am so impressed by your wood carving... Actually everything I see here is just beautiful. What kind of wood did you use to carve this out of. I cannot imagine how long you worked on it. Then to carve all those bobbins out of cocktail picks!
    I have added your blog to my favorites list. I hope to see more of your wood work soon.

  7. Tanks Catherine for your kind words! Lovely you picked this posting to make your comment, as this piece is one of my pride and joys ;-)

    In answer to your questions; The wood used on the side of the pillow to do the pansies is (i believe) cherry. I worked on the flowers when I was recovering from a car accident. See also:

    And those two plaques again inspired me to make them into the lace pillow you see. The carcas (with the fretworked sides and drawers) is made out of mahogany.

  8. I have now reached the very first post of your blog, having read EVERY SINGLE ENTRY. Your miniature work is wonderful, I love your way of writing, and also the beautiful captures of nature. I will follow your blog rapturously!

    Also, because of you I have now learnt of the Guild School and hope to go there in the future!

    I have always loved miniatures, in childhood buying a few packets of mini things from the hobby craft store, but never had a dollhouse. Finally, recently, I have bought a modern doll house and have been making things for it since! I will eventually start blogging about the miniature things...

    Thank you for sharing all the things that you make and find, it has inspired me endlessly! I think now I will also go through your other blog just to make sure I haven't missed any beauties!

  9. Well hello! Sandy, welcome to my humble little corner of the fast WWW. And thank you for your amazing words. Cos "every single entry"... is a lot! :) I can't wait to see your first postings appear. Modern day houses really capture me and i'm very curious to see yours. Enjoy making mini's, and when you can, blog about'm :)
